Should Marketers Invest in Content Syndication for B2B Marketing?

Content Syndication is the cornerstone of content marketing. It aims to amplify your message, reach a broader audience, and generate high-quality leads—yet syndicating content through the right platforms to the right audience can be challenging.

How do you create a strategy that not only captures attention but also effectively delivers better ROI?

Dive into this blog to learn more about launching a successful content syndication strategy.

Defining Content Syndication and its role in B2B Marketing

Content syndication involves the distribution of content on third-party websites to reach a larger audience. This content can include white papers, articles, or blog posts.

Why not do it independently?

content syndication for b2b marketing

Creating and promoting content independently often requires significant time, resources, and a well-established audience to see substantial returns, syndication allows marketers to leverage the credibility and broader audience of third-party sites.

Content syndication extends your content's reach beyond your existing audience, tapping into established networks and platforms that already attract your target demographic.

It accelerates brand visibility, generates more leads, and ultimately drives higher ROI—without the burden of building that reach from scratch-That’s the best part.

And it’s no wonder that 61% of B2B marketers use it to generate leads, increasing lead generation by up to 400% (Demand Gen Report)

So, why not invest more in content syndication? Not convinced? Here are some benefits to help you decide:

Benefits of Content Syndication for B2B Marketers

Benefits you need to know:

Go beyond your Audience Reach

Content syndication pays off the effort in creating exceptional content. It enables B2B marketers to extend their content's reach beyond their existing audience.

To do this successfully, seek out platforms with high-traffic websites, industry publications, and niche platforms that attract your target audience. By doing this, you can introduce your content to new, potential clients, boosting your MQL base.

And expanded reach means heightened brand awareness, attracting lots of leads that might not have been discovered through your company’s channels alone.

Enhance Visibility in Search Engines

Does content syndication weaken SEO impact? No. Infact, when content is syndicated on reputable third-party sites, it often includes backlinks to the original source. These backlinks are crucial for improving search engine rankings, increasing the likelihood of appearing in top search results, and enhancing the effectiveness of content syndication and SEO strategies.

And enhanced visibility on search engines means- more organic traffic to the original content, further amplifying its impact.

Generate more Qualified Leads

Content syndication helps generate more leads. But how? It pinpoints a targeted audience already interested in similar products or services, delivering higher-quality leads.

When you approach a targeted audience, you can deliver content that addresses the pain points and needs of your potential customers.

To maintain high engagement rates, tailor content across multiple channels. This ensures that each segment of your expanded audience receives messaging that resonates with them.

Be the Thought Leader in your industry

Trust. Credibility. Influence. Is what you get by becoming a thought leader. But, establishing yourself as a trusted authority takes time and effort. Maintaining a steady stream of high-quality, insightful content can be challenging, especially when balancing it with other business priorities.

When you consistently share valuable insights and expertise, your audience comes to trust your knowledge, making them more likely to turn to you for solutions.

For example, MarTech Series highlights that content syndication helps establish brand authority and reinforces a company's position as an industry leader.

Invest because its Cost-Effective

Content syndication is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods. It’s not just effective—it also enhances ROI. How? It extends the reach and lifespan of your existing content, generating more high-quality leads at a lower cost.

Again, it enhances SEO, drives sustained traffic, and uses data-driven insights to optimize performance, all of which boosts your overall return on investment efficiently.


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Start getting results by following these Content Syndication strategy practices

Here are the best practices to consider:

Crafting High-Quality Content

High-quality content is the cornerstone of a successful content syndication campaign. Informative, relevant, and valuable content builds trust, engages your audience, and drives conversions.

Apart from this it boosts SEO, leading to higher visibility and more organic traffic.

More content is better. Not quite. In fact, producing a large volume of mediocre content can dilute your brand's message and fail to engage your audience.

Content Marketing Institute highlights that 57% of B2B marketers cite creating the right content for their audience as a challenge, while 54% find it challenging to create content consistently and differentiate it.

So, before publication, ensure your content meets high standards of quality, depth, and authority to make it appealing to syndication partners.

Partnering with the Right Platforms

What’s the common concern marketers have with content syndication? It’s ROI. That’s why choosing the right content syndication platform is crucial.

Bigger platforms are better, right? Well, not always. In fact, smaller, more niche platforms can sometimes provide more engaged and relevant audiences, leading to better results.

Remember, one platform doesn’t fit all. Different platforms serve different purposes, and a diversified approach often yields better outcomes.

So, identify publications with a large and relevant audience that can enhance your brand reputation. Thorough research into potential platforms, understanding their style, and aligning your content with their audience's interests will form the basis of fruitful partnerships.

Implementing Syndication Methodologies

Employing the right syndication methodologies helps avoid issues with duplicate content. Tools like the “rel=canonical” tag, meta noindex tag, or regular backlinks communicate to search engines that syndicated content is a strategic redistribution rather than a duplicate, maintaining your SEO integrity.

Budget Considerations and Goal Setting

Like any other marketing strategy, budget considerations and goal setting are essential for success. Establishing a clear budget help allocate resources effectively, ensuring that every dollar spent aligns with your business objectives.

Allocate your budget with precision and set key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead conversion rates, cost per lead, or ROI benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of your campaign.


Must Read: The B2B Marketer's Guide to Choosing the Best Content Syndication Vendor

So, which content type is most effective for B2B marketers?

Here are some content types you should consider-

Blogs and Industry Websites

Syndicating content on high-authority blogs and industry websites can significantly enhance your content's reach and credibility. These platforms often have a dedicated readership that trusts their content, providing an excellent opportunity to reach targeted audiences.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook offer robust syndication opportunities. Sharing content on these platforms can drive significant traffic back to your site and increase engagement with your audience. LinkedIn, in particular, is valuable for B2B marketing due to its professional user base.

According to Content Marketing Institute, 84% of B2B marketers find LinkedIn provides the best value among social media platforms used for content syndication (Content Marketing Institute).

Content Aggregators

Content aggregators like Medium, Reddit, and Quora allow for content distribution to a broader audience. These platforms are designed to share information and insights, making them ideal for syndicating educational and informative content.

Newsletters and Email Campaigns

Including syndicated content in newsletters and email campaigns can help maintain engagement with your existing audience while reaching new prospects. This approach ensures that your content is consistently in front of potential leads and industry influencers

Press Releases

Press releases distributed through platforms like PR Newswire and Business Wire can syndicate your content to a vast network of media outlets, significantly enhancing your content's reach and visibility.


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Measuring the Success of Your Content Syndication Strategy

Keep a pulse on the results of content syndication. After all, you can’t improve unless you measure.

So, let's dive into key metrics:

Traffic Generation:

Track the amount of traffic that syndicated content drives to your website or landing pages. This helps determine how effectively the content is capturing audience interest and directing them to your site.

Lead Quality and Quantity:

Measure the number of leads generated through syndicated content and assess their quality by tracking how many convert into Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) or Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). High-quality leads indicate that your content is reaching the right audience.

Engagement Metrics:

Analyze metrics such as time on page, bounce rate, and social shares to gauge how engaging your syndicated content is. High engagement suggests that the content resonates well with the audience.

Conversion Rates:

Evaluate the conversion rates from syndicated content, such as the percentage of visitors who take a desired action (e.g., filling out a form, downloading a resource, or making a purchase). This metric directly ties content syndication to revenue generation.

SEO Impact:

Monitor the impact of syndicated content on your search engine rankings. Track backlinks, domain authority, and organic search traffic to ensure that your syndication efforts are enhancing, rather than harming, your SEO.

Cost Per Lead (CPL):

Calculate the cost per lead generated through content syndication. This metric helps you assess the cost-effectiveness of your syndication strategy compared to other lead generation methods.

Attribution and ROI:

Use multi-touch attribution models to understand how syndicated content contributes to the customer journey. By attributing conversions to specific content pieces, you can calculate the ROI of your syndication efforts.


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In Conclusion

Content syndication is a pivotal B2B marketing approach that helps generate qualified demand for your products or services. It allows you to increase your content’s visibility, generate qualified leads, and enhance brand awareness.

In a nutshell, it’s the most cost-effective way for a B2B marketer to achieve sustainable growth and maximize sales funnel efficiency.


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